RIABNM - Production-Research Department

Basic tasks of Production-Research Department are implementation of different model and pilot researches in close cooperation with other departments of the Institute. Pig fattening and meat production are also important topics of this department. Concerning execution of model experiments slaughtering facilities for pigs and small ruminants are available at our EU certified slaughterhouse. Centre for porcine fattening performance test station of the Institute is dedicated to enabling an accurate examination of genetic basis provided by the Hungarian pig breeding sector in collaboration with Association of Hungarian Purebred Pig Breeders.

Organizational subunits

As part of various experiments the department performes qualifying of half-carcasses according to S EUROP system with various parameters (meat color, pH).

The main tasks of the Department are to carry out the professional work of breeding and feeding of commercial animals and to organize the fattening of different varieties.


Szabolcs Rózsa
Munkakör: főosztályvezető, agrármérnök
Munkavégzés helye: 2053 Herceghalom, Gesztenyés út 1.
Mobil: +36 303848535
E-mail: rozsa.szabolcs[at]athk.naik.hu


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