RIABNM - Division of Animal Breeding - Animal Breeding and Reproduction Research Group

Scientific work of the Research Group

The reproduction research group is working with cattle, pig, horse, sheep and rabbit species. Research activity of the group include both male and female animals (andrology and gynecology), but field trials and developments, in vitro embryo production, sperm freezing (as gene conservation task) are also the part of the work. Earlier and actual main projects are:

Improving the competitiveness of high producing dairy farms with optimalization of the fertility management, which summarize the most innovative techniques and introduce them into the practice (early pregnancy detection methods, diagnosis based hormonal treatments, detection and clarifying the causes of pregnancy loss, ratio of twin pregnancies, early diagnosis and reducing the risks of twin deliveries).

Biotechnological methods for ex situ gene conservation in Hungarian horse breeds” is also an important project, because the number of the Hungarian stallions is decreased. Prevention of narrowing of the genetic material and conservation of the gene variability, also long time preservation of some bloodlines are essential tasks. 

Complex andrological examination of males (boar, stallion, bull, ram) includes the infrared thermographic and ultrasound examinations of external and internal reproductive organs, and the evaluation of semen motility (by CASA system) and sperm morphology. Main goals are detection of subfertility/infertility and identifying the sick animals with proper diagnostic methods, and determination of the therapy.

Freezing of pig oocytes by vitrification and designing a system for embryo development to support the gene preservation of the Hungarian pig breeds. Ex situ and in vitro gene preservation could be made by the freezing of embryos and gametes. In case of successful development of the oocyte freezing method it should ensure help in gene preservation of Hungarian pig breeds.  



Orsolya Gabriella Varga-Balogh PhD
Munkakör: csoportvezető, tudományos főmunkatárs
Munkavégzés helye: 2053 Herceghalom, Gesztenyés út 1.
E-mail: balogh.orsolya[at]athk.naik.hu
László Kern PhD
Munkakör: intézeti mérnök, állatorvos
Munkavégzés helye: 2053 Herceghalom, Gesztenyés út 1.
E-mail: kern.laszlo[at]athk.naik.hu
Zoltán Viktor Szelényi PhD
Munkakör: állatorvos
Munkavégzés helye: 2053 Herceghalom, Gesztenyés út 1.
E-mail: szelenyi.zoltan.viktor[at]athk.naik.hu


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