RIABNM - Scientific Department - Division of Animal Breeding

Animal Breeding Division combines the work of three research groups. Research Group for Breeding and Reproduction Biology is responsible for research based on biotechnological methods that complement conventional breeding methods. Genetics Research Group is involved in population genetic studies, where genetic status of breeds or farms are investigated. The Ecological Research Group places great emphasis on animal husbandry-related agro-environmental and environmental research, as well as on animal welfare conservation studies.

Organizational subunits

The reproduction research group is working with cattle, pig, horse, sheep and rabbit species. Research activity of the group include both male and female animals (andrology and gynecology), but field trials and developments, in vitro embryo production, sperm freezing (as gene conservation task) are also the part of the work.

The group is involved in population genetic studies, where genetic status of breeds or farms are investigated. Based on reliable phenotypic data and whole genome screens or candidate gene approach, traits and genotype association studies are performed.

In vivo and vitro embryo production in livestock species - cattle, sheep, goat, swine, horse - cryopreservation and embryotransfer.

Until the 1990s the effects of environmental factors on domestic animals have been researched at the NARIC RIABN’s predecessor, in the breeding and animal management departments of the Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition.


Munkakör: osztályvezető, csoportvezető, tudományos főmunkatárs
Munkavégzés helye: 2053 Herceghalom, Gesztenyés út 1.
Mobil: +36 305089913
E-mail: borka.gyorgy[at]athk.naik.hu


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